We love reviews, if you'd like to leave us your review, please email us at candiedjalapenos@gmail.com or tell us what you think on our Facebook Page!
This about sums up how everyone is feeling about our candied pickles!
At The KC City Market last Sunday. 11 years old and a BIG FAN of the Ghost!
Facebook message from Annette, a devoted fan.
I live in Bennington north of Salina, Kansas, and since retiring I am not in Salina as much. I used to pick up unique food items at The Market Shop and the Flower Nook both of them on Iron Street in downtown Salina. The gift shop in the Smoky Hill Museum used to carry specialty food items made in Kansas. I have our son purchase your Candied Jalapeños at Hy-Vee in Topeka and I am hooked. I used to buy Cannons Sweet Hots at the now defunct winery gift shop and was hooked on those. Your peppers surpass Cannons so if you find a Salina source for your peppers that would be great. Best of luck in finding a location in Salina. Thanks for making the time to answer my inquiry.
Our reply: No, there sure isn't! The closest location would be The Cooks Nook in McPherson. We need a location in Salina! I ship to that area quite often. Thank for the store suggestions!
Annette: Please let me know if you bring your peppers to Salina.
Needless, to say once we see what and when shops will open up, we will be making a trip to Salina. Many, many years ago we attended the See and Sell in Salina, and I still have queries as to when we will come back. I've several ladies that would order cases from us from the show over the years and to this day they are still sharing with others. They have both moved, Sonjia to Leavenworth, and Rita to Oklahoma but they continue to share to this day.
This was from a email I received from Scott S.
I was just wondering, I love these peppers and on my last purchase I tried the pickles and I will never buy any other kind of pickles again because yours are flat out the best I've ever had. But in my multiple purchases I have never received a discount code, I was wondering if I could have one because I am wanting to buy these and use them for all of my friends and families birthday and Xmas gifts. I was just curious and if not that's ok because I also just wanted to express how good these peppers and now pickles are! Absolutely amazing, and just know I am spreading the word and thank you for a great product.
Hi Scott,
Several things... I offer a dollar off per jar if you order a case which is 12 jars. $23 in shipping is what you are paying right now for 7 jars vs the same amount for 12 jars. You can mix and match flavors. Also, (and you may not want to get out right now), but Hy Vee in Springfield, off Battlefield is stocked up with our peppers and pickles. If none are on the shelves they do have back stock. Which saves you $$ on shipping and their pricing is very reasonable. Let me know if you'd like to add to your order to take advantage of the shipping or if you'd rather check with Hy- Vee OR Westlake Hardware off Campbell Street. They both should have product. I'll be packing your order up tomorrow and will add a selection of our cookbooks, since you share. :)
Michele, Thank you so much for the extras, the cookbooks and what must have been express shipping. I really appreciate it, the funny thing and I've already told my friends about this but they make fun of me because I go to Hy-Vee so much,but when I read the email my jaw dropped because I couldn't imagine how I have missed this there. But trust I will continue to brag about you and your amazing peppers and pickles but if you don't see a order from me know that all that means is that I'm emptying out Hy-Vee of their supply! Thank you again so much and I really mean what I say about how good these are. Seriously the pickles have ruined every other pickle for me! Thanks again and if you need anything let me know and I'm sure you will see another order from in the future, best of luck and be safe.
Hi Scott, Well, you certainly have made my day! You will find our peppers and pickles on Aisle 6, top shelf on left next to pimento peppers at the Hy Vee. They are one of my favorite stores to shop at. I like their variety, and the people are kind. If you should ever see the shelf empty you just need to find a manager to restock, as they have extra inventory back by the check in office. Take care, and stay well! It's been fun to hear from you!!!
Joshua from Oakland, California had this to say when he placed an order. “These are so dang delicious - glad you deliver so I don’t have to keep flying out to restock.” Evidently the candied jalapeños and candied habaneros are his favorites!
Melody Lockre Green said, “Found them at our local farmers market and bought a jar of the Candies Jalapeños. I was so hooked my husband ordered me 2 jars as a surprise. Eat them straight from the jar and will grudgingly share!”
If you have an doubt about how tasty our pickles are then check out this out!
John Krehbiel regarding our Ghost Peppers: “Bought a jar today at the Maple Leaf Festival in Baldwin City. I’m tellin’ ya, these things will make your tongue slap your brains out!!!
Christy Walker - While living in Lees Summit, Missouri I found Campbell Gardens Candied Jalapenos and fell in love with them. Living now in Vancouver, WA I'll need to order them on-line.. love love love them..... I read one of your customers posts and it said you now have candied pickles...wow.. gotta give'em a try..
Andra Kiser - I drove from San Antonio to Leavenworth, KS a couple of weeks ago for a visit home and went in search of Campbell Gardens products...thanks for keeping Gronis Hardware stocked!
Stacy Spieker - Yummmm. Candied pickles, cream cheese, garlic and smoked ham.
Carrie Birch - I put the chopped Candied Pickles on my deviled eggs for the 4th of July and everyone told me that is the only way I can ever bring them from now on! I just love them! Thank you so much for such a great product! Fan Forever!!!
Roxie Dillard - Bought the Candied Pickles for my brother to try in a couple of recipes, they never made it to a recipe, we ate them straight out of the jar they were that FANTASTIC!!!! Now my siblings will be going to your stores to buy some more of these fantastic Campbell Candied Pickles!!
Doug Wilson - We've been eating the peppers for a few years now and figured, that's as good as it can get. Then the pickles showed up. I was wrong. They've outdone themselves with these pickles. I just put some in my home made mushroom soup and my wife said you put what in your soup? I'm thinking cereal next, but we'll see. All joking aside, these are the absolute best pickles I've ever tasted. Keep up the good work. I'll be watching for what comes next!
Rhonda Kauble - We had Pickles and peppers with bbq brisket sandwich last night ! So good 😊
Danielle Hall Swartz - We love this product so much!! The sweet and spicy flavor is amazing!! We first purchased a jar at a craft fair and had to find them at the local grocery store a week later cause we ate them all!! So glad we were introduced to this wonderful product!!
Bill Denny - I absolutely love these peppers. I always have a jar in my fridge and regularly add them to sandwiches, burgers, chili and almost anything else I'm fixing.
Bobbie Fry - I must admit that I am not a big jalapeno fan , however, I was given a recipe for the sweet with a little kick chex mix a few years ago and I cannot stop eating it! My family has already gone through two batches of it this season, in fact, I'm eating some right now! I also discovered that a slice of Campbell's Candied Jalapenos on a cracker with some cream cheese...total yum! Be warned....once you have had them you will crave them for life!!
Beverly Griffin -If you haven't bought a jar of the Candied Pickles, and tried, your missing a great tasting Pickle, so good
Judith B. Roth - I cannot live without these peppers, and now the fabulous candied pickles!!!! They are addictive and so delicious!!! Whether you use them in recipes or just eat them out of the jar, they are simply the BEST!!!!
A review of our CANDIED PICKLES!
This is from my momma and you KNOW she will tell you the truth! "Just made a chicken salad, it was okay but when I added some chopped up sweet garlic pickles it was super delicious. You have another winner there!"
just in case you'd like to know what our pepper fans think of our ghost peppers. we love their reactions!
Jordan likes it spicy and was wanting to try our candied ghost peppers. there are two videos and the second one is when the slow burn kicked in.
We received this awesome review from a foodie blogger out of wichita, kansas while we were at the Kansas State Fair in 2017. Wichita by E.B. is a very popular read blogger and we think you will find what he has to say about our peppers will convince you that you need to try our candied Ghost Peppers! Read his review here: http://www.wichitabyeb.com/2017/09/campbell-gardens-candied-jalapenos.html
Richard H. - I recently placed an order from your website and you took the time to send a hand written "Thank You" note plus a few additional and highly appreciated goodies. I wanted to express my appreciation for the quality product that you make. I was first introduced to it while living in Hutchinson, Kansas when I found the amazing candied jalapenos at Smith's Market. Prior to departing the Hutchinson area I stocked up. I recently utilized my last jar and introduce my team to your amazing product here in Amarillo Texas. Like I tell them the morsels are mind blowing and nearly life changing. I will continue to preach the gospel of your candied jalapenos and strive to drive business your way.
Thank you again!!
Lori C. - Purchased several jars as a gift for a relative in Texas. He loved them & the recipes were an added bonus. Thanks so much
Heather Nelson - Ran across your booth at a craft fair. Bought 1 jar and I've been kicking myself ever since for not stocking up! The best jalapeños I've ever eaten...EVER!
Cody Hallstrom - Thank you very much for the extra jars of the jalapenos and the cookbooks that was very nice of you! I was out of town for awhile and returned to find the box at my office and my staff already having a jar open ha ha. I can not tell you how much I enjoy those jalapenos. My wife has been buying them every year at the Mound City craft show and each year I make her get more and more and I keep going through them in a few months. That is why I finally decided to see if you had a website and if I could order some. I am already about out as my staff latched on to a couple and I have been giving them out and eating the rest.
Crystal Edgely - Love them!! I bought 2 jars of the spicy at the Holiday Boutique and ate almost a whole jar with girlfriends and wine (chopped up and mixed with cream cheese and ate with chips). Made more today and my hubby loves it too so I went back and got 2 more jars. You can't go wrong with these if you love spicy and you can do so much with them! They are also work great for gifts (hint, hint - for the holidays)!
Andra Kiser - These are great for appetizers, in breakfast tacos, added to migas, tossed into scrambled eggs or omelets, added to tuna salad and I'm still finding new ways to use them. It's almost an addiction!
Laura Gant - These were so good! Everyone in my family loves these even those that don't like traditional jalapenos. Mmm
Anna Schmidt - I love these peppers I got the hot ones today and made Mexican LASAGNA with them the best lasagna I made and only peppers I buy!
Taylor Ann-Marie Shields - So delicious! They taste so good with sour cream and I can't wait to make a Cheese ball with these!
Walt Roe - I took some of your peppers on a trip to California and shared with family. They went nuts over your peppers. Said they had never had anything like them before. I called today to have you ship out 6 jars to them. I think they are Fans!
Duane Purtell - We love these! Great with cream cheese on Tostito Scoop chips! Bought 2 jars at Holiday Boutique today, love them!
Samantha Behen - These are seriously the best. I love them with wheat thins and a little cream cheese.
Shelby Eastep - Campbell's Candied Peppers are the best we have ever had! Having a little family who loves a little heat we add the candied habanero stop chilli, soup, meatloaf, Just about everything! And my husband love the candied Jalapeños on his burgers! We love seeing you guys at the city market!
Michelle Witt-Lambeth - Love them!! We bought our first jars at the Ozark Crafts Festival. Highly recommend.
David Worts - Perfect balance of perfection for anyone that enjoys a little kick in any number of recipes
Jeffrey Morse - Oh so good! I live in Marquette Michigan, and was gifted a jar of these amazingly delicious beauties! Alas I have et them all! I'm travelling Southerly soon and would love to stop and get some more, where would be the eastern/northern most location to do so? I'd appreciate any help!!!
Arlene Stecher - I wanted to say how much I enjoy your candied jalapenos and how they are the hit of our get togethers. With the holidays almost upon us, I am stocking up on the candied Jalapenos. The ones with Habaneros are a bit too Spicy, but the candied jalapenos have such a great flavor and just the right "kick" of heat. I chop them and mix them with whipped cream cheese for a delectable dip with pretzels, crackers and Corn Scoops or just take a Corn Scoop and place a half teaspoon of the whipped cream cheese and put a candied jalapeno on top for a more decorative presentation. Either way, they're scrumptious!!! I'm thinking of giving them to friends as a gift this Christmas with a little recipe card attached. The compliments keep pouring in and I'll be a forever fan of yours as long as you keep those jars of candied jalapenos coming! Thank you so much!!! I would like more recipes if possible. I'm in charge of appetizers this year at the family Thanksgiving dinner as well as desserts.
Logan Thompson - Excellent additions to just about any grilling dish. From hot dogs and brats, to burgers and chicken breast...these things are delicious!
Bernard Henry Bud Pflumm - These candied jalapenos are so good! My mother made a Jalapeno corn bread with them which was awesome! Also i put them in my ham and cheese omelette it was amazing! I got them from Dodge City Beef in kansas city!
Shannon Griffin - Absolutely the best!!!!! I put them on everything possible! Do u have a monthly mailer? I live in PA now... Have been lucky my dad buys a half a dozen at a time and brings them back to me.. Haha :D
Kent Weeks - Karen and I had a few jars of your Candied Jalapeños given to us from her Mom and Dad years ago. We enjoyed them on chili hotdogs, hamburgers and just ate them plain. Awesome! Love 'em!!
Karen King Domke - So yummy! Bought a jar at an arts & crafts fair; should've got more! I think I'll order more online...they go great with everything!
Ryan Jones - We are addicted to these!!! They make the best dips and are the perfect combination of sweet and spicy!
Claudia Howell - My sister brought us a jar last week and I just ordered 2 more jars!!! Heavenly good!!!!
Kate Duncan - Bought a couple jars at Maple Leaf Fest after trying a sample and have been addicted ever since!! They are so amazing!!!
Kathy Kashka - I was given these peppers by a friend of mine and they are THE BOMB!!!
Best condiment in my fridge. Goes on everything. Love them!!!
Shari Sohl - I can't get enuf of these peppers! U have got to try them! I'm bringing some home with me but I'm not sharing Heather & Linda! Lol.
Marla R. Stewart - These are perfect with scrambled eggs!